Echeverria 1515 - 4th Floor, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires
The grains present a dominantly vitreous endosperm (hard or horny
texture). Tobe consideredfor analytical
purposesflintor silvergrainsare those that meetthe
following specifications:
- Their crown shows nocleavage
- In longitudinal section, theendosperm shows acentral mealy partsurrounded bya horny partthismust account for thedominant
part of thetotal cut surface.The percentage of thesegrains must notbe less thanNINETY-FIVE
(expressedin units),with a tolerance
ofleast three percent(*3%).
- FlotationTest.The
percentage of thesegrains must notbe more than TWENTY-FIVE
PERCENT(*5%). -
MinimumTest Weight(in kg /hl):Seventy-six