Product Information:
1. Usnic Acid & Usnic Acid Sodium (GL-UA)
2. CAS Number: ****- ***0
3. Synonym: 2, *- diacetyl- 1, 2, 3, 9b- tetrahydro- 7, *-
dihydroxy- 8, 9b- dimethyldibenzofuran- 1, *- dione
4. Origin: Usnea
5. Molecular Formula: C*8H*6O7
6. Molecular Weight: **4.*2
7. Appearance: Yellow crystalline substance
8. Purity by HPLC: Minimum *8%
9. Solubility: Clear colorless solution at 0.1Mg/Ml in cool
*0. Test Item: Appearance, Solubility, Loss on drying, Ash, Assay,
Solvent Residual, Pesticide Residual, Heavy Metals,
Storage: The product is stable stored at room temperature and in an
airtight, light resistant area for at least two years.
*1. Usnic acid is extracted from Usnea, Usnea, also known as old
man's beard, is not a plant but a lichen_a symbiotic relationship
between an algae and a fungus. The entire lichen is used
medicinally. Usnea looks like long, fuzzy strings hanging from
trees in the forests.
In natural remedies, especially in the veterinary medicine, Usnic
Acid is used in powders and ointments for the treatment of
infections of the skin. Usnic acid as a pure substance has been
formulated in creams, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorants and
sunscreen products, in some cases as an active principle, in others
as a preservative.