No 1 Ori oke kehinde amule, Moro, AE- Africa NIGERIA osun state
We have more than *6 samples at hand choose from the listed above.
We have high carat of white diamond ,*5.8 carat of green
diamond,also there is offshore green diamond olive yellow
diamond,peach and blue diamond,olive peach diamond,\'we have series
of green diamond mixed with white colours both onshore and offshore
product they are not less than *2.0 carat per gram.we have lemon
green diamond of *5.1 carat ,we have about *3.2 of precious metals
Tocom gold,we Tanzania *4.4 carat ,danburrite stones *4.3
carat,mettiorite *5.6 carat,black gold stone *4.2 carat,black pink
diamond *2.8carrat,orange intense blue tourmaline*3.4carrat,hot
pink offshore diamond *6.0 carat,deep green with light pink diamond
*3.2 carat carbon intense pink diamond *3.9 carrat,blue green
diamond ametrine *5.8 carrat ,ruberlite tourmaline *5.0,carbonado
*5.8 carrat,carbonado pale pink diamond *4.1 carrat ,hiddenitte
spodumene green colour *2.9 carat,rough diamonds *2.3 carats