Payment conditions/quality - payment from buyer
**0% when the honey will be loaded and sealed by seller. The
representative of the buyer must be present! Quality control
is carried out by QSI company (Germany). Sampling of honey is
made personally to each buyer in the presence of the buyer. It will
be issued EU standarts sertificate to buyer personaly. Price - 2, *8 USD/1 kg.
2. Product name - Honey with antibiotic
Payment conditions/quality - payment from buyer
**0% when the honey will be loaded and sealed by seller. The
representative of the buyer must be present! Quality control
is carried out by QSI company (Germany). Sampling of honey is
made personally to each buyer in the presence of the buyer. It will
be issued EU standarts sertificate to buyer personaly. Price - 2, *6 USD/1 kg.