This goose fat is carefully filtered and exceptionally pure. The
goose fat can be used in place of butter or oil while cooking
potatoes, mushrooms, other veggies etc etc. It brings a unique
flavor to all your cooking.
-Fat is an essential part of any balanced diet. It provides the
body with the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K; which are
essential for growth; and contains essential fatty acids which are
important in maintaining normal health and body functions.
-Although animal fats are often considered to be bad fats, goose
fat is one of the better ones and contains far fewer saturated fats
than butter or lard. Goose Fat contains *2.7g Saturated Fat per
**0g compared with *4g for Butter and *0.8g for Lard.
-Goose Fat is high in heart healthy monounsaturated (*5g compared
to *9.8g in butter) and polyunsaturated fats (*0.8g compared to
2.6g in butter).
-Goose Fat is also rich in Oleic acid C*8.1 (a specific type of
monounsaturated fatty acid) which can lower blood cholesterol
levels. Goose Fat contains on average *8% oleic acid, C*8.1, and is
generally higher in comparison to other animal fats.