The herd has been tested or TB, CA and vaccinated for botulism and
vaccinated with RB *1. These heifers come from a cowherd that has
been in existence since ***7. The main herd comes from Natal,
originally from Bartlow-Combine. ±*0% of the females. ±*0% is made
up from Venda, Lebowa and Makatini origins. *0% is made up from
Pedi cattle and kept pure mainly for their good size and excellent
feed conversion. A large portion of the Pedis came from the now
defunct Stellenbosch herd in Lebowa, while the rest originated from
the tribal herds in the Burgersfort district of Lebowa.
We still do performance testing and the chief focus is on
efficiency, longevity and fertility. Average I C P is ± **4 days
for a cow herd of **0+ animals. We try to push for 2 cows per/ha,
grazing on a crop rotation medic/grain system, whilst heifers at
between 3 to 4 per/ha: carry strategy is to aim for **0 **0kg/ha