Commodity: Sunflower Oil (RSFO).Sunstar
Type: Refined,
Winterized, Deodorized.
Standards: Turkish
Standard TS **6, British Standard BS, European Norm
EN and
International Standard ISO.
Quality: Fit for
human consumption, free from foreign matter, any
other oil or
animal fats.
Color: Light
yellow, clear and transparent.
Odor: Neutral odor,
without an artificial odor additive.
Visibility: Without
any deposition and blurriness.
Taste: Neutral,
without an artificial taste, free from rancidity or
any strange or bad
taste and smell.
Quantity: Up to
2.**0 Metric Ton (MT) per month.
Physical and
Chemical Analysis:
Acidity (Free Fatty
Acid): 0,3 maximum.
Peroxide Value (meq
O2/kg): *0,0 maximum.
Iodine Value
(WIJS): **8 - **1
Moisture and
Volatile Matter (% at **5oC): 0,2 maximum.
Value (mg KOH/g oil):
**8 - **4
Substances (%): 1,5 maximum.
Substances in Ether (%): 0,*5 maximum.
Refractive Index
(at *0oC): 1,**1 - 1,**8
Specific Weight (at
*0oC): 0,**0 - 0,**0
Soap Content (%):
0,**5 maximum.