Shea butter is a slightly yellowish or
ivory colour natural fat extracted from the
seed of the AfricanShea tree
by crushing and boiling.It is widely
used in cosmetics as a moisturizer and salve.Sheanuts are
primarily grown in West and Central Africa in the semi-arid Sahel,
referred to by tradersas the
"Shea Belt". Vitellaria paradoxa and Vitellaria nilotica are the
two main varieties.Vitellariaparadoxa is exported in the largest volume and
grows throughout the West African region..
Vitellarianilotica is produced primarily in northern Uganda
and southern Sudan. Shea nut products,the solid fat
(butter or stearin) and the liquid oil (olein),are ideal for
use as raw materialsin cooking
oil,margarine, cosmetics,soap,detergents and candles,but it has
found its primarymarket niche
as a substitute for cocoa butter in the chocolate and confectionery
industry. Specification &
Grades:Shea butter is graded
based on a number of factors. For some buyers,it could be
based on thepercentage of the
expected vital constituents present in the sample while some other
buyers use the level of refining andcontamination
present as their criteria. Based on the percentage of the expected vital constituents
present, Shea butter can be graded as shown in the table
Based on the level of refining done
and contamination present, Shea butter is now classified into five
grades: A (raw or unrefined,extracted using
(highly refined and extracted with
solvents such as hexane),D (lowest uncontaminated grade),E
(with contaminants). Commercial grades are A,B,C. The colour
of raw (grade A) butter ranges from cream (like whipped butter) to
greyish yellow,and
it has a nutty aroma which is removed in the other grades. Grade C
is pure white. Grade A retains the most natural
vitamins,especially vitamin A and vitamin
E,which are partially lost in the other
grades. Uses:Traditionally,African Shea
butter is used for cooking oil,as a
water proofing wax,for
hairdressing and forcandle-making;and also as
an ingredient of medicinal ointments.Industrially,Shea butter
is used incosmetics
production,such as
moisturizer creams and emulsion, and hair conditioners for dry and
brittlehair.It is also
used by soap makers,typically in
small amounts (**7%of the oils
in the recipe),because
ofits property of leaving a
small amount of oil in the soap.
Shea butter is also used as an
ingredient in chocolate fillings. Medicinally,Shea butter
is used as a base formedicinal
ointments,and has been
claimed to have anti-inflammatory properties emollient and
humectants.Shea butter has
been claimed to be effective treatment for the following
fading scars, eczema,burns,rashes,severely dry skin,dark
spots,skin discolorations,chapped
lips,stretchmarks,wrinkles, and
in lessening the irritation of psoriasis. New Commercial
Shea based adhesives,resins,and
composites • Shea Plastics and compounding • Shea conversion into
chemicals,solvents,and fuels •
Nutritional value and characterization Total utilization of Shea
materials fornew commercial