Copra cake (coconut cake)
After extracting coconut oil the leftover residue of copra or
coconut butter is called copra meal or copra cake. The desiccated
coconut waste is an effective by product of copra and is used as a
nutritious fodder for livestock,
The advantage of using copra meal as an animal feeds is that it is
cheaper, copra has high protein in content and is used as a primary
product in poultry, cattle, pigs, fish, and horse, feeds. It
improves the texture in animals conditions the body and improves
the shiny coat on the skin of animals.
It is also used in pigs, and poultry feeds to increase the growth
Soaked copra meal is used as feed for fish. Researches show that
using soaked copra meal in the diet of Nile tilapia fingerlings has
improved the growth and Nutrient utilization of the fish. This has
resulted in the coast reduction of the fish feeds. The fish also
thrive well with soaked copra meal as part of their regular
Copra alone is also used as food for home reared ornamental fish
like Guppies the copra meal is tied up in a tiny mesh and left
soaked in the water tank the fish feeds on the soaked meal every
now and then this considerably reduces the fish feed
Copra meal is a good Ingredient of dairy rations and provides
energy and by pass protein. 1.**2.kgs per day have been recommended
as maximum safe amount but cows have been fed more than 3 kgs per
day without adverse effects copra meal has been shown to be a
suitable supplement for cow grazing in tropical pastures and adding
1.8kg. Per day of copra meal to the diet increased production by at
least 1 kg. Per day.