Alfalfa, (Medicago sativa), also called lucerne or purple medic,
perennial, cloverlike, leguminous plant of the pea family
(Fabaceae), widely grown primarily for hay, pasturage, and silage.
Alfalfa is known for its tolerance of drought, heat, And cold and
for the remarkable productivity and quality of its herbage. The
plant is also valued in soil improvement and is grown as a cover
crop and as a green manure.
Alfalfa has a remarkable capacity to rapidly regenerate new stems
and leaves following cutting. As many as *3 crops of hay can be
harvested in a single growing season because of this abundant
regrowth. The frequency of harvest and the total seasonal yields
depend largely on the length of the growing season, the
adaptability of the soil, the abundance of sunshine, and especially
the amount and distribution of rainfall or irrigation during the
growing season. Green leafy alfalfa hay is very nutritious and
palatable to livestock, containing about *6 percent proteins and 8
percent mineral constituents. It is also rich in vitamins A, E, D,
and K.
Our company is offering a vast range of Alfalfa Seeds. All these
seeds are procured from our reliable vendors that make use of
organic fertilizers in the cultivation process. In order to meet
all requirements of our clients, our offered seeds are available