Cucumbers are a
good sources of fiber, particularly in the skin. They also provide
potassium and magnesium. The AHA also recommend reducing sodium and
increasing potassium intake to help prevent high blood pressure.
The cucurbitacins in cucumber may also help prevent
atheroslcerosis.We just cut scrub whole carrots and cut the ends
off and they are ready to eat. Cucumbers are low in calories and
high in vitamin K, anti-oxidants and potassium. Cucumber peel is a
good source of dietary fiber that helps reduce constipation and
offers some protection against colon cancers.Side-Effects &
Allergies of Cucumber. Inspite of its beneficial effects,
consumption of cucumber has its fair share of side effects. ...
Cucurbitin, a mild anti-diuretic, is present in cucumber and excess
of it can leave you highly dehydrated.Cucumbers are a highly
anti-inflammatory, alkalizing, anti-cancer food and highly
hydrating. They are high in plant lignans, which help the bacteria
in our digestive tract, but what is really important is that they
help bind and convert the hormones that cause estrogen-related
cancers.They are low in calories but contain many important
vitamins and minerals, as well as a high water content. Eating
cucumbers may lead to many potential health benefits, including
weight loss, balanced hydration, digestive regularity and lower
blood sugar levels.Most people should aim to drink six to eight
glasses of water per day, according to the American Academy of
Family Physicians. We know we're supposed to drink water throughout
the day, but sometimes plain water gets boring. Adding cucumber
gives it some extra flavor.