Pregnant Holstein Heifers We offer and deliver
excellent healthy quality and bigger quantity of Pregnant Holstein,
Jersey, Brown Swiss heifers and others.Delivery by truck only for
allowed destination by road transport.Longer destination can be
possible by Airway or seaway. Animals are all grassland
risen and capable for different climate zones.They bring high milk
yields to their NEW owners all around the globe.Our breeds include:
Holstein, Jersey, Simmental, Ayshire, Brown Swiss, Fleckvieh,
Charolais, Limousine, Blondie, Angus, Rubia Gallega, Asturiana and
Pirenaica, Brahman and many others.They are above 15 months of age
and they weight 300kg ¢?? 600kg and above.they stand 130cm tall at
the shoulder.All animals are sanitary and bloodline certified with
excellent for further information.