Name: Children\'s Camel Milk Powder Packing: **0g(*0.*8Oz), contains
*5g**0sachets Brand
Name:EASTBART Suitable for people: over 3 yeas
old, children and adolescents in the formative years, calcium,
intellectual development, brain fitness and
educational Shelf life:*4months Serving
method:It is recommended to drink once or twice a day,1 bag each
in **8 times warm water, taste
self-adjustment. Product
Description: This product is made from the raw milk of free-range
bactrian camels from the unpolluted grasslands of Yili Prefecture,
Xinjiang, with the scientific and reasonable addition of
prebiotics, flaxseed oil (containing Ω*3 fatty acid series),
phosphatidylserine, probiotics, complex vitamins and complex
minerals, refined by modern low-temperature sterilization and
drying process. The product contains not only the nutritional
components of camel milk, but also the nutritional components of
prebiotics, phosphatidylserine, Ω*3 fatty acid series and highly
active probiotic flora, and has a rich and pure
taste. The
children\'s camel milk powder features: children\'s camel milk
specially developed for children aged ***6 years old,
Allergen-free, it can promote the development of balanced nutrition
of babies. Independent sealed sachet, more suitable for baby\'s
drinking habits.