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Above and Be...

Above and Beyond

Member:  James Li
Company:   Nantonin Co;Ltd
Membership Type: Free Member
Country:  China  
Products: LED Light and Solar Products
Member Since: 2010
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Read Story:
We are a well established high-tech firm specialized in producing, engineering, and marketing the LED products and related products. We have professional engineers always staying at the forefront of LED technology. Our goal has always been to cater our customers with quality products at competitive prices.
We were quite successful in meeting our sales targets; at the same time; gaining the satisfaction of our valued customers. However 3 years back; the situation changed. Increasing manufacturing cost compelled us to either increase the prices; or lower the quality to remain competitive. But nothing was acceptable to us. So; we looked for the remedy; any alternate which can save our repute for quality; and ensure our competitive existence too. Then we decided to cut our offline advertisement budge and go for online B2B channel.

Yes; that was a wonderful decision; which proved very beneficial. However; in search of finding the Best One; I joined more than one b2b platforms. I don�t believe in words; but go for results. So; I didn�t take decision upon recommendations from my fellow businessmen; but wanted to experience the Truth behind Claims! Well; frankly speaking big names not always prove big in terms of results and services. When I didn�t get satisfactory results from others; I searched more and eventually choose the best place. Yes; I decided to go for TradeKey where neither monstrous competition gulped me; nor did useless inquiries vex me.

Since July 2007; TradeKey has been my true partner in business. Their excellent commitment and impeccable services has left me no option but to stick to them. The genuine inquiries from USA, Canada, and Europe etc. have taken my sales volume to a competitive height. With TradeKey�s productive sales inquiries and professional guidance; I am getting more successful every day. We are enjoying the 3rd successful year of our loyal bond; and I am sure TradeKey will remain my winning partner always.
If you want to open the door of thriving success at lowest cost; then who else can be your choice except TradeKey. I am relishing the peace of mind; and of course you can too experience the same!

Thank you TradeKey!

Mr. James Li, Nantonin Co. Ltd

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Led Spotlight
Led Spotlight
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Solar Charger
Solar Charger