How It Started In the *9th century, the now Indonesia was a Dutch
colony, named Nederlandsch Indi, or Dutch East Indies. Since the
*6th century the Dutch had been there, and the VOC, the Verenigde
Oost-Indi Compagnie (United East India Company), akin to the
British East India Company, was “trading” strongly in that area.
Many Dutchmen went there to make their fortune. And so it was with
Siebe Leistra and Jelle Kuipers. They met in Batavia (now called
Jakarta) in ***1 and decided to join forces in trade. Kuipers had a
partner in the Netherlands, Albertus Jonkman, who sold the goods
Kuipers sent him. Leistra had been in Nederlandsch Indi already *0
years when they met, so he had a larger network there. In other
words, the partnership brought strong assets to the table. After a
few years they decided to incorporate, and they formed Jonkman,
Leistra en Kuipers en Zonen. The Zonen were the sons who started to
work with their fathers. The company flourished and started to sell
the imported goods (tea, pepper, tobacco, spices) in neighboring
countries. During the war of ***4 – *8 the Netherlands was neutral,
so trade continued at the same pace. As time went on, demand for
other products from other countries increased: cocoa, coffee,
silks, cotton, sugar….. So Jonkman, Keistra en Kuipers en Zonen
continued on the path of expansion, setting up partnerships in
Brazil, the USA, India etc. And now the group is headquartered in
the United States, and has partnerships around the world. The name
has shortened to JLK Trade Inc and has become a fixture in the
commodities trade. With a sales figure over USD 3 billion annually,
Siebe, Jelle and Albertus would be proud to see the metamorphosis
of their small company. Our Present Operations We are one of the
world’s leading independent commodity trading and logistics houses.
We have created a global business based on service and performance.