Why do we have a such company name Specialized in Made-in-China many years, we found that some of our Made-in-China had a good price, but sometimes, some of them, the quality and the service were not good enough, as a result, we established this company, we are a new generation of Made-in-China, we will offer a good price, at the same time, more concerned about the quality and service, our target is to be your reliable partner in China.Since China ecnomic is growing day by day, it is one of the most important part in the world now, you maybe have more and more business in China in the future, if there is a reliable partner in China, it will help you much more, just like one friend help another friend. You will interested in us.
New Generation (HK) Limited is a food products service company, we mainly supply from food production accessories to food packing bags/boxes to shelves to display food stuffs, in one word, we are specialized in food packaging and food stuffs accessories.
What is our advantage
1, A complete service solution from the begining to the end for the food. For food production process, before the production you may interested in food glove, apron, oversleeve. As a supplier of food stuff in your market, you will not only purchase just one bag, after bag you may interested in box, after box you may interested in shelf.
2, Personalisation. Customers are different, their request are different. We are good at personalisation. For example, some customer have design some has no or maybe the design charge in their country too expensive, we can help them to design; some customer have big quantity purchase order, but one day they need a very small order, we can help; or there will be a new packing stuff, the customer need one company to help them to develop together, we can.
3, We are reliable. Our targer is to be your reliable partner in China; On the other hand, in fact, we have done a good job for our customers, we are reliable partner in China.